I'r gogledd dwyrain de

(Llwyddiant yr efengyl)
I'r gogledd, dwyrain, de,
  Ac i'r gorllewin faith,
Yr elo ei enw E'
  Yn glodfawr gan bob iaith;
Am glwyfau'r Oen,
      a'i gariad rhad,
Boed melys ganmawl ym mhob gwlad.

Aed grym efengyl Crist
  Yn nerthol trwy bob gwlad;
Sain hyfryd gan bob clust
  Fo 'r iachawdwriaeth rad:
O cyfod Haul Cyflawnder mawr,
Dysgleiria'n lân tros ddaear lawr.
William Lewis -c.1794

Tôn [666688]: Portsmouth New (<1835)

  Aed grym efengyl Crist
  Mae enw'r addfwyn Oen
  Ymgrymed pawb i lawr (I enw'r addfwyn Oen)

(The Success of the gospel)
To the north, east, south,
  And to the wide west,
May His name go
  In high praise by every language;
For the wounds of the Lamb,
    and his free love,
Be sweet songs of praise in every land.

May the strong gospel of Christ go
  In power through every land;
The lovely sound in every ear
  Be the free salvation:
O rise great Sun of righteousness,
shine purely across the earth below.
tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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